Saturday, 29 November 2008

Can't always look a million dollars!

Sometimes even Zara and I don't take the best pics.... bad hair day and that sort of thing! We were both posing in these photo's, I am saying cheese and who would know what Zara is saying.... but thought they were funny enough to share with the world wide web :-)

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Show us your belly

Mums belly is still growing and we love to show it off. Our tummies are pretty big too but not as big as mummies.

Scooter Gangs

Goodbye Uncle Kebin

Saying goodbye to Kevin and Alison before they left on their way home to Sydney via Asia...... needless to say they are still in the country due to protesters at Bangkok airport, typical Kev and Al style, big farewells and then the won't bloody leave!

Zara at Gymbaree

Putting "airlog" away, Zara is very keen on helping out

Zara and Gymbo...... he is a bit of a hit with Zara!

Clean up before the big move.....

Nana & Grandad sent us some new hats for the winter... just in time for us to go outside and clean up the lawn and garden. We move house next weekend so there is a lot of cleaning and tidying to be done!

Dad Zara and I had to paint the walls in our bedroom because Zara just doesn't understand that pens are for paper only. She likes to point at her wall art work and say "naughty" but bless her she hasn't got a concept of what naughty is!!

Thursday, 13 November 2008


Its that time of year again, and although we were too sick to go trick or treating we have had a couple of ocassions to get dressed up. Daisy's mum put on a mean halloween party again this year, and our dads raised the standard with their excellent display of fireworks.

Pause It

Breakfast time