Sunday, 21 December 2008

Looking for Wombles on Wimbledon Common

take a look at mums other blog "a mothers photography" for photos that she took for dad for xmas.....

Friday, 19 December 2008

Liam 2 days old

The novelty still hasn't worn off and every day Liam changes.......we are doting on his every waking minute.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Liam Joseph O'Malley Bradley

Finally after what feels like ever our little baby brother is here.... Zara and I are both so excited and love to give him lots of cuddles. He arrived 15th Dec 8lb 7oz, apparently very quickly, mum still seems a bit shell shocked but was home with us within 24 hours. All the photos below were taken while Liam was still in the hospital, he already seems to be growing so mum will have to post some more pics soon - when she can find the time to pick up the camera.

All dressed up to meet our little brother, we were SO SO SO SO excited

Dad is very very proud, and we are happy he finally has a boy to balance things up, there will always be more of us though :-)

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Nativity Play

Its that time of the year again, and this year Zara and I were in the same play. We had hoped that the baby might be able to come and watch us but s/he isn't that keen on coming out yet must be too cold.

I got to sing a solo which mum and dad were very proud of, Zara didn't do too much, in fact after all that practise I don't think she even took her fingers out of her mouth. We all had fun though.

Friends for tea

After we moved and finally unpacked the boxes we had my friends around for tea, they usually come once or twice a week so it was nice to show them our new house.

Pause It

Breakfast time