Sunday, 31 October 2010

Halloween 2010

another successful halloween night big thanks to mum and dad for all their hard work

it started off as a beautiful clear autumn day

we all got dressed up in our very scarey costumes

 then the visitors arrived, first was our lovely (and very scarey cousin nora)

and she ate ALL the cupcakes :)

which made Katey very cross x

 then our other guests arrived - Pussycat Genevieve

Daddy and a very scarey Liam

Pussycate Miranda, Zara and Jasmine

 as soon as it got dark the excitement and tension were rising and we were itching to get out trick or treating

and then the fun begins

 if you knock on my door this is what you will find..... but my bucket is full of chocolate so go ahead ring the bell!!!!!

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Wimbledon Common

We are having a fabulous autumn, beautiful warm sunny days so we are making the most of the nice weather and getting out and about while we still can. The wombles have been reintroduced to Wimbledon Common so we set out last sunday morning to see if we could find any....

We didn't find any wombles but we did have a great outing so it won't be long until we go back there!

Playdate with Daisy Coco and Skye

Liam is a bad influence and taught Coco and Skye how to climb on the back of the couch and jump...
Hours and hours of entertainment.!!

After all that jumping we had to be fed, homemade pizza's!

Liam is a dab hand in the kitchen and spends 90% of the day at the bench trying to help mum cook
where as Zara and I prefer to wait at the table to be served on :)

Pause It

Breakfast time