Sunday, 21 November 2010

Zara, Liam and I in our pj's ready for bed!!!

Our visitors from Germany

Our friends, Richard and Julie with their 3 girls Zoe, Ashlyn and Sarah came to stay with us for their half term, it was a full house while they were here but we had lots of fun.

Heading off to the Wimbledon Park fireworks

Watching the guy burn on the bonfire

Me and Daisy - I had been at a halloween party at school so still had my scary makeup on!

Liam watching the fireworks

Zara and Daddy watching the fireworks with the bonfire in the background

The morning after the fireworks, 5 little princesses having breakfast.....

..... or should that be 6!!!

Liam and I built a tower right to the ceiling - it was a very impressive effort but more impressive was that we kept it there all afternoon to show Daddy when he got home from work!

Harvest Festival Songs

Katey singing the song she sung at the Harvest Festival - you'll have to turn up the volume

And now Zara's turn with Pop goes the peas!

International Day at School

Once a year the school holds an international day to recognise all the different cultures and backgrounds, I doned my usual black attire but this year Zara opted to celebrate the more flamboyant side of her (she is 1/16th Spainish after all!!!)

 We had our harvest festival on the same day, year ones were singing about good groceries groceries (thats me just about to come down the stairs)

And the nursery kids were "PEAS" Zara found the whole performance quite stressful and didn't take her fingers out of her mouth the whole time - she was a very beautiful pea though and sang a fantastic rendition of "pop goes the peas"

Pause It

Breakfast time